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Section: New Results

Linking Data Graphs

S. Staworko obtained his HDR for his work on symbolic inference methods for databases [2] . R. Ciucanu obtained his PhD for his work on cross-model query inference [1] supervised bu A. Bonifati.

Learning path queries

A. Lemay, R. Ciucanu, and A. Bonifat have a paper and a demo at EDBT showing how to learn simple path queries on graph databases based on automata techniques [16] , [15] , [25] , [24] . This is a very interesting starting point for using automata inference techniques in the context of graph databases.

S. Staworko obtained a paper at ICDT where he shows how to infer XML Twig queries from examples [23] . This work is done in cooperation with the University of Wrazlaw.

Learning join queries

R. Ciucanu, A. Boneva, and S. Staworko published an ACM TODS article [7] showing how to learn join queries for relational databases from examples. This is the first query learning algorithm satisfying Gold's learning model, that relies on equalities of data values rather than on structural information.